ClassicSwitcher brings the iOS 7 task switcher to iOS 6

  I told you the other day that Cydia a is to be published tweak named ClassicSwitcher and that he will bring in iOS 7 the iOS 6 task switcher. Well, during this evening the tweak was launched and in the image above you can see how it implements the changes for iOS 7. Tweak- completely removes the task switcher from iOS 7, displaying only the icons of the applications open in the background, each with a close button displayed next to it, the tweak being able to display multiple rows of icons for us.

ClassicSwitcher takes the bar-style app switcher from iOS 6 and elegantly integrates it with iOS 7. It's a fast, efficient alternative to the default app switcher, and offers lots of flexibility. It has tons of great features, and many more on the way! If you don't see something you want, feel free to make a request.


  • iPhone and iPad support
  • Multiple rows
  • Multiple overlay styles and opening animations
  • Quit all apps functionality built in
  • Always editing option
  • Activator integration for opening and closing the switcher (optional)

  Moreover, the tweak has implemented the option to close all applications simultaneously, has integrated support for the Activator and in the future will have an extended functionality. ClassicSwitcher is available at the price of $1 in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.