Veency VNC allows controlling an iPhone using a computer, now compatible with iOS 7

  Veency VNC is a tweak launched many years ago by saurik, it allows iDevice owners to control their terminals remotely using a computer and a wireless or wired connection. In this video clip saurik demonstrates how anyone can control their terminal using an intuitive interface, the system being used by many people who find it extremely useful, being the only one of its kind available in Cydia.

If your device has ever been just out of reach, this package is for you: you'll never need to touch your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch again! Instead, sit back and enjoy the comfort of remotely logging into your phone via VNC. You can view the screen, touch controls, and even push the lock and menu buttons all from the comfort of your desk or laptop. To activate, install it and then go to Settings and set a password. When connections come in you will get a notification dialog asking if you want to accept. You can tell whether there are any active clients by means of an icon on the status bar.

  To control the iDevices you can use any kind of application or program that allows the use of the system VNC, the Veency tweak being available for free in Cydia.