OkSiri allows you to activate Siri with a simple command

Siri - iDevice.ro

  For Google Now the company Google implemented a named command Ok Google which allows the activation of the voice command system available in the terminals Android and not only. Copying the functionality offered by this system, a developer of tweaks for Cydia made the tweak ok siri which allows us to activate the voice assistant Crab using this simple command.

Always-on voice recognition is here! Just like the Moto X's “Ok Google” command. Set the keyword in the OkSiri setting page (defaults to "ok Siri"). Toggle on/off using an Activator action (defaults to toggling when power connects/disconnects). Set what happens when it hears the keyword in Activator (defaults to launching Siri).

  Practically after installation ok siri, the assistant will always be active in the background listening to hear the main command and allow us to use it later. The tweak works with the help of the plugin Activator, and its functionality can be activated or deactivated at any time with a simple gesture, so yes Crab consumes too much battery, you can quickly disable OkSiri without any problems.

  Tweak your ok siri it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.