StopCCinApp prevents Control Center from opening in certain applications

  StopCCinApp is a tweak available from this afternoon in Cydia, and with its help we can block access control Center in certain applications chosen by us. Although the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), gives us the possibility to disable access control Center in LockScreen, but also in all iOS applications, without offering customization options.

Stop Control Center from appearing in apps that you choose. You can block each app individually or block apps based on folder category. There's also an "allowed" option so you can whitelist apps that are blocked by category. A global On/Off flipswitch is also included.

  StopCCinApp solve this problem by including a new menu in the Settings application, allowing blocking control Center for individual applications, for categories of applications in folders and of course displaying them anywhere. StopCCinApp is available at the price of $1 in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.