Google Now humiliates Siri and Cortana in a test of personal assistants for mobile terminals

  Crab was launched in 2011 in beta version as a personal assistant for terminal owners iPhone and although the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), did not officially announce that it removed the assistant from the beta testing period, it extended its availability to other terminals. Although Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), lauda Crab for the accuracy of understanding words and for speed or displaying the most correct results, a new test proves that Google Now it is still more effective than that Crab, as well as than Windows Phone Cortana.

  A company made 2000 queries for each of the assistants and he checked what percentage of them get full responses from them, and the chart above shows a bleak situation for Apple. Practically Google Now managed to provide complete answers for 88% of the 2000 queries, while Siri had a percentage of only 53%, Cortana placing in the last position with a percentage of only 40%.

  Under these conditions, the Apple company has a lot to solve in terms of the functionality of the personal assistant Siri, but it is unlikely to offer too much, since it still supports a few languages ​​around the world.