Jailbreak iOS 8.1 – why organization is good

Jailbreak iOS 8.1  Jailbreak iOS 8.1 it was launched yesterday and its main problem was initially that the app Cydia and the dedicated tweaks for it were not compatible, so they could not be installed in our terminals. Yesterday saurik released a version of Cydia that is compatible with iOS 8.1, but this did not solve the main problem, the compatibility of all packages in the repos with the new version of the operating system for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

  Jailbreak iOS 8.1 took absolutely everyone by surprise and this is not nearly as good as you might think at first glance, although the Chinese brought us the first jailbreak solution for iOS 8 extremely quickly. Unfortunately keeping the development secret of an iOS jailbreak solution brings absolutely nothing useful to users, because now anyone who will jailbreak and install Cydia will find absolutely nothing useful there for their terminal or terminals.

  In the past, jailbreak solutions were launched by teams that thought things through and waited up to several months to bring such software to the general public, but in the end the wait was worth it. Now things have changed, Pangu has rushed the release of a jailbreak solution that is useless to a lot of people and will have an extremely short life span because Apple will block it as fast as they can until when iOS 8.2 was released.