Major US retailers are boycotting Apple Pay

  Apple Pay is the first mobile payment system launched by Apple for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, allowing users to make almost any kind of purchase in stores by simply approaching compatible POS terminals. Although users have very warmly received the new system designed by the American company, some retailers have decided to boycott it, along with those of Google or mobile phone operators, preparing another one of their own for launch.

  A consortium of several dozen major US retailers has developed a system called CurrentC that will give users the ability to make mobile payments using an archaic registration system. With the help of QR Codes scanned first by terminals and then by cashiers, the system is a stupid attempt to block Apple Pay or even Google Wallet, but the stores that are part of the consortium will use it exclusively, disabling the compatible POS NFC payment systems.

  The decision comes after Apple Pay was found to be compatible with these POS and stores decided to completely remove them from their own stores, so Apple Pay has a tough road ahead. That said, Apple Pay will have a hard time conquering America, but if the system has a high level of adoption, then its widespread use will eventually be accepted by everyone.