The iPhones will come without an important case marking

iPhone 6 case markings

  All Apple iPhones and tablets released so far have a series of markings on the case that, starting next year, will become history, or at least to a good extent. According to an American law called E-Label, mobile phone manufacturers will no longer be required to display the certification marks regarding the sale in the USA on the product casings, but only in the software developed for those products. In the image above you can see exactly how this change will be applied starting next year for terminals in the US, so the symbols present under the information regarding the terminal model will disappear.

  Although in the USA the respective markings will no longer be visible, unfortunately in Europe their display is still mandatory, so that all terminals sold in the Community space will have the specific markings visible to all users. The good part of the whole story is that if in the USA it was decided to abandon these markings, otherwise useless for most consumers, the European authorities could be enlightened to a similar extent and could decide to completely remove them from the product casings, something that it will only bring joy to producers and users.