Harbor Brings All-New Dock to iOS 8 (Video)

  If you like the way the company thought Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), the dock for the OS X operating system, then I inform you that in Cydia a was launched tweak named Harbor which implements part of its functionality in iOS 8. In the video clip above you can see how it modifies the way our iDevices work, making the display of applications on the main screen much more efficient. As you can see, the tweak allows adding an unlimited number of icons to the dock of the operating system, they being displayed exactly like the native ones.

Harbor is the ultimate dock tweak, inspired by OS X Yosemite. It allows you to place an almost unlimited amount of icons in the dock of your iOS 8 device, while still being able to view all icons at once. When touching the dock, icons rise up in a beautiful wave around your finger. When your finger is released, the icon at the top of the wave is launched in a completely smooth and refined manner.

  Apart from the unique way of displaying icons, Harbor has also implemented an animation that allows an icon to be raised when a notification is received, just like in OS X. Harbor is available for DOWNLOAD at the price of $3 from the repo BigBoss al Cydia.