Universal announces the release date of the movie Steve Jobs

Steve jobs movie

  Universal took over the production rights for the film last year Steve Jobs produced based on the only authorized biography written about the life of the former CEO of the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),. Filming of the film started last month, and today we found out that Universal It is also planning to launch the film in theaters on October 9. On October 11, 2011 Steve Jobs ceases to exist, so the film will premiere 2 days before the 4th anniversary of Steve Jobs' death, with Universal probably preparing a custom commemorative event.

  Week we have presented the main actors who will play the roles of important people from the history of the Apple company, and how well they did we will find out only in the fall. Michael Fassbender is the actor who will play Steve Jobs in the upcoming film and in the base the pictures that have appeared so far he doesn't look that much like the former CEO of Apple. In the secondary role we have Seth Rogen who interprets the Steve Wozniak, co-founder of the Apple company and good friend of Steve Jobs, being one of the advisors chosen by Universal to help the producers represent the events in the film as close as possible to reality.