A new website tells you if your phone will work on any phone network around the world

phone work

  If you happen to travel a lot, then you are probably interested in finding out in advance if your iPhone or mobile phone is going to be compatible with the mobile phone networks of the country or countries you will visit. To help you find out these things quickly, a new website it was released, having detailed information about the frequencies of all the important mobile networks on the planet. By accessing it and choosing the type of phone plus the mobile phone network of the country you are about to visit, you will find out whether you will be able to use your mobile phone or not.

When performing a search, you will be presented with three networks: 2G, 3G, and 4G. A check mark means that the device is compatible on that network and will work. A red X means that the device is not compatible on that network and will not work.

  The information presented by this website should be quite accurate, so you should have no problems using your phones if you rely on them. Despite this, I recommend that you still be cautious and be aware that there could be problems with the existing information for countries and mobile networks because anyone can make mistakes.