Apple threatens MFi partners who develop accessories based on rumors about iDevices

Made for iPhone

  Every year before the release of a new model of iPhone or a new model of iPad, a multitude of sketches stolen from the factories of the company's partners appear on the Internet Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, some partners of those from Cupertino developing products based on these sketches. Because it cannot prevent the theft of these blueprints from its partners' factories, the Apple company decided to attack other companies, specifically those that produce accessories based on the stolen blueprints. Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), he considers practically, that if there are no people to pay significant sums of money for these sketches, there will be no motivation to steal them, but of course he is sorely mistaken.

...should Apple find that, prior to the release of a product, you have sought, obtained, or relied upon specifications of that product from sources other than Apple, Apple may choose to exercise its right to take action against you, which penalties can include , but are not limited to, Apple choosing not to stock your product in our stores.

  Even so, in the fall of last year, right before the launch iPhone 6, Apple he obliged partners in the MFi program, Made for iPhone, to sign contracts obliging themselves not to look for and not pay for sketches of unreleased products. If these companies violate the contracts, Apple can stop working with them, withdraw their products from their own stores and sue them. Those who signed the contracts remained in good working conditions with Apple, those who refused disappeared from Apple Stores, but the same thing happened with some companies that agreed.

  Apple has a very big problem in keeping its product development activity secret, and this is because it is an extremely popular company with products that generate enormous interest. Of course, decisions of this kind will not help her to keep secret details about iPhone 6s, but Apple must act.