A MacBook Air survives a fall from a height of 300 meters

MacBook plane crash

  The company's MacBook Airs Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), they were not designed to withstand a strong impact, but one pilot was lucky enough to be left with a product Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), whole after he fell from the plane. According to his testimony, MacBook Air- fell from a height of 300 meters while the man was flying the plane over an area in South Africa, and you can see the result in the picture. Basically part of the MacBook Air case deformed in the lower area, but the interesting part is that the product continues to work, as you can already see from the image above.

  The cooling system and the glass protecting the trackpad were completely destroyed, but the MacBook Air loaded OS X as if nothing had happened. Although the product will require a lot of repairs, the man was lucky enough to be reunited with it after a South African farmer found the bag in which it was placed together with the pilot's license. The farmer searched for the pilot through Facebook to return the MacBook Air, he looked at his product in amazement while loading OS X.

MacBook plane crash 1

  Having said that, if you have a MacBook Air you don't have to worry about it, because Apple has made its products sufficiently resistant to impact.