Dungeon Hunter 5 - release date announced (Video)

  Dungeon Hunter 5 is a new game from the Dungeon Hunter series developed by the Gameloft company, and after a few weeks of teasing about its release date, today we find out the date on which it will be available in App Store. March 12 is the day from which we will be able to install Dungeon Hunter 5 in our iPhone, iPad and iPod Touches, those from Gameloft promising an extremely attractive game for users all over the world. The above teaser was published on Sunday by Gameloft to promote its future title and unlike those offered in the past, it reveals part of the gameplay that we will have.

  According to those who tested the game, Dungeon Hunter 5 it is going to have a superior graphics engine to the titles released before it, it is going to contain a multitude of elements of freemium games, including a multiplayer module. Moreover, the game will also have a rather complex campaign module, so users will have the possibility to explore the Dungeon Hunter 5 universe in detail before "throwing" themselves into battle. As Dungeon Hunter 5 is presented so far, it appears to be a freemium game, so it will be available for free download at launch.