An entrepreneur lies to Apple about a terminal illness, his applications are withdrawn from the App Store

Belle Gibson

  Belle Gibson is an Australian whose app called The Whole Pantry was promoted by Apple as one of the most important titles available for Apple Watch, her story motivating the Cupertino company to help her complete her title. She attended the presentation of the iPhone 6 in September, tested the Apple Watch then and created a nutrition application based on the experience she had with an alleged brain cancer, Apple wanting to use the story to present the usefulness of the Apple Watch.

  The young woman from Australia claims that was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of only 23, but neither friends nor various doctors believed in the existence of such a diagnosis, she recently admitted that it was wrongly given. Based on her story, the young woman collected money for charitable purposes and did not send it further to the charities and took advantage of the kindness of the Apple company to be brought to Cupertino together with the developer of her application and create the application for the Apple Watch.

  Because the young woman lied and Apple is now put in an embarrassing situation, the American company withdrew her application from the App Store and removed it from the list of applications that will be available for the Apple Watch when the product is officially launched. Although it is not yet known whether Apple will recover the expenses incurred with the young woman and its developer, it is clear that in Cupertino the news regarding her lies was not received with much indulgence.