Here's how to find out why Cydia has a hard time loading

Cydia Substitutes

  If you ever happen to open the application Cydia and notice that it doesn't finish loading the new information from the repos you've added, then you've probably tried to find out what exactly prevents the application from quickly displaying Cydia news. Discovering the problem that is the basis of Cydia "freezing" is very simple, because now in the Sources menu of the application you have a wheel displayed next to each repo from which information is loaded, those that generate problems having the wheel displayed continuously next to them , sign that you have to delete it from the list.

  Deleting a specific repo from that list will allow you to avoid application crashes Cydia at the time of opening due to the problems generated by displaying information from that repo, so deleting it could turn out to be a very good idea. If you ask yourself why exactly a repo could refuse to upload information, well, only the person who owns that repo can give you an exact answer because there can be a multitude of reasons that ultimately matter less.

Cydia Soruces menu

  Deleting a repo to use Cydia it does not mean that you cannot add it again in the future, the menu from which you deleted it giving you the possibility to add it back quickly.