eMAG Apple Shop opens with substantial discounts on Apple products

eMAG Apple Shop discountseMAG Apple Shop will be opened on September 18 in Bucharest, more precisely in the eMAG showroom in the Crangasi area, and those who ask will be surprised to discover a multitude of Apple products with substantial discounts that you can see on this page.

Before getting to them, I must tell you very clearly that eMAG Apple Shop it is not an Apple store, i.e. an Apple Store, but only a reseller rank store in which eMAG will sell the products it sells normally in its online store as well.

Returning to the subject, the discounts eMAG Apple Shop they will bring us the cheapest iPhone 6 ever sold by the largest online store in Romania, but some Macs will also benefit from rdiscounts up to 30%, or a maximum of 1700 LEI, only on the opening day.

Even the iPad tablets will not be forgotten by those from eMAG, so some models will be able to be bought on the opening day with 12% discount compared to the normal selling price, so you will definitely have something to buy there if you are interested in making a purchase.

Having said that, consider the eMAG Apple Shop as a real-world extension of the eMAG virtual store, or better said, the branch that sells Apple products.