iOS 9 vs iOS 8.4.1 – how it goes on iPhone

iOS 9 vs iOS 8.4.1 - how it goes on iPhoneiOS 9 is presented by the Apple company as a major update for its line of iPhones, iPads or iPod Touches that should significantly improve the performance of the terminals, but reality proves that things are not quite like that.

In the video clip below you will see a series of tests done on some of the most popular iPhone terminals, iOS 9 and iOS 8.4.1 being compared to see which of them offers the best performance in everyday use and who do you think he won?

Although iOS 8.4.1, the difference between it and iOS 9 not being colossal, but even the benchmarks have confirmed the fact that there are significant differences between them in terms of the speed with which certain functions are performed in the operating system of the at Apple.

It was relatively easy to guess that iOS 9 will work harder than iOS 8.4.1 on iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches, but this is a discussion that I leave for a future article.