XcodeGhost – Apple deletes apps with malware from the App Store

XcodeGhost Apple malwareXcodeGhost is the name given to a malware that has infected the software Xcode with the help of which the applications that are made available to us by the developers are developed and improved App Store.

because XcodeGhost became very popular very quickly, the Apple company recognized its existence and announced last night that it initiated a process by which it identifies and deletes from App Store all apps that are infected with this iOS malware.

According to a security company in China, no less than 344 iOS applications have been infected by XcodeGhost until now, the Apple company is already working with various application developers to quickly withdraw the infected titles from the App Store.

We've removed the apps from the App Store that we know have been created with this counterfeit software," Apple spokeswoman Christine Monaghan said in an email. "We are working with the developers to make sure they're using the proper version of Xcode to rebuild their apps.

As I explained to you yesterday, the developers published these applications in the App Store without knowing that they were infected with this malware and Apple had no way of detecting it beforehand, but it does it now and withdraws the applications that can compromise user data without for them to know.

Although XcodeGhost is the largest malware attack in the history of the App Store, it mainly affects applications developed for Asia, so it is unlikely that you will be infected, but it is advisable to install the available updates for any application.