Why do smartphones fall with the screen down?

why does the smartphone screen fall down?If you are curious to find out why do smartphones fall with the screen down in most situations when they get out of hand, well a renowned physicist from the USA did a study that explains everything.

His study was commissioned by the Motorola company that promotes it Motorola Droid Turbo 2 because its screen does not escape when it is hit with hard surfaces, but the explanations are based on information that is as real as possible and they apply in everyday life to almost anyone.

Robert Matthews is the physicist who carried out the study and according to him, the way a smartphone falls when it is dropped from our hand is influenced by the way we hold the device at that moment, but also by the distance from the surface on which it falls from our hand.

In general, people hold smartphones with their fingers placed below the device's center of gravity, the distance from the ground being at least 1 meter, and in case of an escape in such conditions, the terminal has a high chance of falling with the screen on a hard surface and cracking .

The answer is surprisingly simple: whether a phone lands screen-up or face-up depends on a few variables, mostly how you're holding the phone at the time of drop and the distance to the ground. Because people tend to hold their phones in a certain way (fingers below the center of gravity on the back, at roughly chest height), the numbers work out such that phones more often than not land face-down.

According to the data recorded by the physicist, smartphones dropped from the hand fall with the screen down in most cases, so in the future when you drop the smartphone from your hand, you must be prepared to pick up its front panel from the floor after the accident .