How does a person with 8 million followers receive notifications on Instagram

instagram multiple accountsInstagram is the most popular photo sharing network on the planet with hundreds of millions of people who use it monthly and share their photos or short films to all those interested in discovering new multimedia content.

Some of those who use Instagram have hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers, and if you've ever wondered what the LockScreen looks like of a person who publishes a new post to 8 million followers, they well, the video clip below should clear it up for you.

Of course, it is unlikely that that person has Instagram notifications open all the time, but imagine how your LockScreen would look if you had so many followers on Instagram or on Facebook, Twitter, or other popular social media networks.

When you post epic content on 8 million followers, this is how your push notification will look like.. ☕?

Posted by Demy de Zeeuw on Sunday, January 10, 2016