Instagram blocks Telegram and Snapchat links

With a decision that probably no longer amazes so many people, the company Instagram made the decision to blocks the possibility of publishing links to Telegram and Snapchat in the user profile, those from Telegram announcing the measure because Instagram tried to keep everything secret.

Only the links that allow users to follow other people on the Telegram or Snapchat networks have been blocked, those from Instagram claiming that this is not the way their network was intended to work, links to other services remaining functional .

The interesting part is that for Twitter and other services there are no restrictions of this kind from those from Instagram, but Snapchat is a competing service, and those from Telegram also offer a photo sharing system considered a competitor by Instagram.

Although the Instagram action may seem strange, WhatsApp Messenger has taken a similar measure a few months ago against Telegram, both companies being owned by Facebook, so soon we may see similar restrictions in Facebook Messenger or other Facebook applications.

Links asking someone to add you on another service aren't supported on Instagram. We've removed the ability to include 'add me' links on Instagram profile pages. This was a rare use-case, and not the way our platform was intended to be used. Other types of links are still allowed.