What impact do WI-FI routers have on people?

 Those from British Health Agency, recently conducted a study that showed the impact WI-FI routers have on us and on plants. Obvious, the impact is negative, WI-FI devices being extremely harmful to health.

That's why when we are surrounded by these for a long time we feel symptoms such as lack of concentration, sleep problems, severe headaches, chronic fatigue, earaches, allergies, palpitations, profuse sweating, etc .

We tend to underestimate these things and not believe that, for example, this technology has become such an important part, and that we are dependent on it! If you want to minimize the negative effects, you can start to deactivate the WI-FI when you are not using it (especially when you sleep) and not to stay with it in the same room where you sleep, or in the kitchen.

A growing chorus of doctors and researchers warns that electromagnetic fields from many of the hallmarks of modern life have been linked to a wide variety of health risks ranging from sleeplessness to cancer.