iOS 9.3.4 vs iOS 9.3.3 - performance comparison

iOS 9.3.4 performance are compared with those of iOS 9.3.3 in a series of video clips that appeared last night, they put the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S face to face, but of course you can figure out for yourself where the biggest differences between the two versions of the operating systems.

iOS 9.3.4 it works hard on iPhone 4S, and the differences in performance compared to iOS 9.3.3 are imperceptible because the only motivation of those from Apple to launch this update was iOS 9.2 jailbreak – iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak for users from all over the world, so no other changes were made.

This iOS 9.3.4 vs. iOS 9.3.3 performance comparison shows no distinct differences from those we've seen in so many comparisons over time, so your terminals should perform as well as and in the case of iOS 9.3.3, but without having the jailbreak active in them.

iOS 9.3.4 vs iOS 9.3.3 - performance comparison