The secret of Apple Music? Passion and Apple editors!

Bozoma Saint John is the head of the global marketing division for Apple Music, and in the image below you can see her, her first appearance at an Apple conference taking place in June during WWDC 2016, when the whole world practically found out about her existence, she being one of the lesser known managers.

If until then few people knew about the existence of manager Bozoma Saint John, well now his name is known in most media centers, and in an interview granted yesterday to an American publication, she stated that the secret of Apple Music's success is the passion with which music is chosen for the listeners.

She claims that Apple Music does not choose recommended music for users based on algorithms, but human editors are used, people choosing music based on their own passions, and this makes everything so perfect for users, the music being recommended because it is good, not just because it necessarily has many listens.

It is really about the experience. It's like you as a music lover or not, you as a casual listener, probably have some of the [same] behavior patterns as someone who's like the super expert. Human curation allows you to have the emotion and feel music, because it is a very emotional thing. It makes you feel happy, it helps you when you are feeling sad, gets you pumped up, calms you down.

Basically, Apple relies a lot on the human element in Apple Music, they believe that this is the one that convinces users to subscribe to the platform, a great emphasis being placed on the editors to choose the music manually, instead of the software that choose automatically for users.

Until now, Apple Music has received praise and criticism from users, there are many problems to be solved, but the Apple company seems to be able to look carefully at all the problems and solve them well enough to thank its customers .

More information can be found in this interview.

bozoma saint john