Cydia 1.1.28 update solves problems with iOS 10.2

Cydia 1.1.28 was released during this evening for all those who want to jailbreak iOS 10.2 on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, the new version is intended to solve performance problems. More precisely, according to the creator of Cydia, the new version of the application primarily solves the sudden closing of the application in case of opening after jailbreak.

Moreover, the new version of the Cydia application comes with a modified APT, so that the news available in Cydia from various repos are displayed. Apart from what you can see in the list of changes below there is none, but the most important change solves a problem reported by many people.

The new version of the Cydia application can be installed right from the Cydia application.

In the ninth beta, I fixed another semi-deterministic crash some users were experiencing, as well as modified APT to guarantee it did not decide "engh, I don't really need to check this repository for updates" when it really should (and was thereby not seeing updates for repositories that have Release but do not use hashes).
