iOS 11.2.5 beta 4 vs iOS 11.2.2 - Performance Comparison

iOS 11.2.5 beta 4 and iOS 11.2.2 are compared in terms of performance for iPhone phones, and now you can see how big the differences are.

iOS beta 11.2.5 4 was launched the other day by the Apple company for iPhone and iPad, the new version of the operating system being available for all those interested. iOS 11.2.5 beta 4 was released immediately after iOS 11.2.2, with Apple releasing updates for iOS "in a cascade, which can cause confusion for iDevice users.

iOS 11.2.5 beta 4 also has a performance comparison with iOS 11.2.2, and at first glance we can see a small progress in the new version compared to the old one. Apple has slightly improved the performance of iOS 11.2.5 beta 4 compared to iOS 11.2.2, but the difference is not as big as you would expect, on the contrary.

iOS 11.2.5 beta 4 is a little bit faster than iOS 11.2.2, the Apple company modifying the performances to a small extent, but in everyday life you should notice the difference. Considering that iOS 11.2.5 beta 4 is currently being tested in beta version, many things will change until the release of the final version, so the performance could improve.

iOS 11.2.5 beta 4 vs iOS 11.2.2 - Performance Comparison