HOW A Romanian Uses His Smartphone Daily (INFOGRAPHIC)

A Romanian uses his smartphone for long periods of time every day, but here are exactly our habits with smart phones.

Romanian smartphone life

Those from Huawei they commissioned a very interesting study that tries to show us how the life of a Romanian who uses a smartphone daily. To begin with, the study claims that 95% of Romanians do not leave home without a smartphone, and this is perfectly true, but the reasons why we all use a phone constantly are multiple.

The study says that 33% of Romanians who wake up at 7 in the morning always check their messages, emails, etc., 31% doing it only frequently, and 13% rarely. Furthermore, we find out that 28% of Romanians have their phone with them 20 hours a day, but I think we can switch everything directly to 24 hours if we also take into account the fact that we keep it with us even when we sleep.

27% of Romanians use their smartphone actively for 3-4 hours a day, 18% for 5-6 hours a day and 13% for more than 8 hours, but it matters a lot and why. 87% of Romanians use smartphones mainly to send messages, 72% mainly for photography, 79% mainly for social networks and 72% mainly for making calls.

"The results of the study show that 59% of Romanians check their phone several times during an hour, the usage habit consisting of searching for different information, using the device for entertainment, surfing on Social Media networks or in the browser, reading the news and connecting to the Home Bank system. … the study concluding that 66% use the phone when they are in the kitchen and 47% when they are in the children's room.”

Interestingly, 63% of Romanians keep their phone close to the bed, 20% somewhere in the bedroom, 11% under the pillow (very dangerous) and 6% in another room. The reality is that we have become addicted to smartphones, but these complex mobile devices make our lives extremely easy and in many cases the addiction is linked to the need for social interaction.

What do you think of the results of the study?

Romanian smartphone user life