Windows 10: GREAT Feature Confirmed by Microsoft

Windows 10 has a great new feature officially confirmed by Microsoft, the Americans are preparing a major change for global customers.

Windows 10 Microsoft Confirmed Function

Windows 10 has a very, very useful new feature officially confirmed by the company Microsoft, the Americans revealing it to the whole world during the Build 2018 conferences that took place last week in the USA. We are talking about a new function for Windows 10 that improves the Clipboard system, that is, the one in which the data is saved when we use the copy and paste functions, using the mouse, or just key combinations.

Windows 10 will primarily allow the transfer of data from the Clipboard between computers using the cloud system, something similar being offered by Apple companies for macOS users for some time. Windows 10 is also going to offer the possibility to see a history of all copying actions done within the operating system, as long as the texts and files are not larger than 1 MB in size.

Windows 10: GREAT Feature Confirmed by Microsoft

Windows 10 Microsoft Confirmed Function

Windows 10 will have this new functionality available only for texts, pictures, and HTML content whose maximum size will be only 1 MB, so we are not talking about video clips, or other types of files that we can manipulate in similar ways. Windows 10 will also allow you to mark certain information, which we use regularly, to access it more easily when we need it, everything being thought to make our life easier in the operating system.

Windows 10 has this great new feature available, for now, only in beta version which is being tested with various users eager to benefit from access for the first time to functions that have not yet been officially launched by Microsoft. Windows 10 should have this new functionality available in the next major version of the operating system, which could be launched even in the fall of this year by those from Microsoft, if no major problems with it are discovered.