Huawei. HUGE BOYCOTT Against Apple, Employees THREATENED

Huawei. A huge boycott was started against the Apple company, the employees being threatened by the Chinese partners, here is what they must not do.

Huawei boycott

Huawei. China is turning against Apple as hundreds of companies are rallying against Cupertino, launching a boycott aimed at hurting iPhone sales in the region. We told you a few weeks ago that some Huawei partners offer a refund of up to 20% of the price of a Huawei or ZTE phone if employees choose to buy them instead of iPhones or other Android phones, but the war has escalated in recent years weeks.

Huawei. The Chinese companies that support it have also announced to their employees that they will offer them free phones if they stop buying iPhones, or completely give up the Apple phones they currently own. Other companies offer free alcoholic drinks in the amount of up to 30% of the value of Huawei phones that employees buy, so all kinds of desperate measures are taken to increase support for the company attacked by the Americans.

Huawei. HUGE BOYCOTT Against Apple, Employees THREATENED

Huawei. In the case of other companies, the measures are extreme, because employees are threatened with the confiscation of their phones, but also with dismissal if they do not "take advantage" of the discounts for Chinese phones. All these measures are mandatory for the employees of hundreds of Chinese companies that either work with Huawei and ZTE, or simply act at the behest of the local government, or are simply part of a coalition aimed at boycotting American products.

Many Chinese businesses have told employees they will receive subsidies if they buy Huawei smartphones to help the company. Most are subsidizing 10% to 20% of the purchase price, with some even covering the full amount. A machinery maker in Shenzhen, where Huawei is based, threatened to confiscate Apple devices from employees and fire those who did not comply. Menpad, a Shenzhen-based tech company, said it would punish employees who buy Apple products. Finally, Shenzhen Yidaheng Technology said it would fine staff who bought iPhones the equivalent amount of their device, while other companies threatened to withhold bonuses.

Huawei. What is happening in China is amazing because no other company has had as much support in a similar situation, and here I also refer to ZTE, which went through similar problems. Of course, the different situation is based on the very close ties between the communist government and the president of the Huawei company, so looking at things from this perspective, what we see at the moment in the country becomes much more "normal".