Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus vs IPHONE XS Max CAMERAS Comparison

Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus and iPhone XS Max appear today in a first camera comparison, which shows us what differences there are for photo or video recording.

Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus camera iphone xs max

Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus, appears today in a very interesting comparison with the iPhone XS Max in terms of the quality of the main cameras, the first having a triple camera, the second a dual camera. The Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus was cataloged by experts as having a superior main camera compared to the iPhone XS Max, the difference between them being only two points, out of over 100, so theoretically imperceptible in the normal use of phones.

Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus it has a triple camera consisting of a 12 megapixel image sensor with variable aperture f/1.5 – 2.4, focal distance of 26mm, another 12 megapixel sensor, with aperture f/2.4, focal distance 52mm, and a third one of 16 megapixels, f/2.2 aperture, 12mm focal length. The iPhone XS Max has 12 megapixel sensors, one with f/1.8 aperture, the other f/2.4, and the differences in the recording of photos and video clips have a lot to do with the software processing.

Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus vs IPHONE XS Max CAMERAS Comparison

Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus it has certain strengths in recording video clips and photos, while the iPhone XS Max does better than the Korean phone in others, the devices being quite equal. A very big advantage for the Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus is given by the ultra-wide sensor for the camera, which captures much more of the surrounding world compared to what the iPhone XS Max can offer, which will be solved by Apple with the iPhone 11.

Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus it registers people's faces with less color than in the case of the iPhone XS Max, they seem quite washed out, much further from reality, even in strong light conditions. On the other hand, when it comes to objects, the Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus presents colors that are somewhat more realistic than the iPhone XS Max, in certain situations, so, as I said, the software processing makes a lot of difference between the cameras.

Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus and the iPhone XS Max have very close cameras, as well as quality, when it comes to pictures taken in good lighting conditions, but when the brightness drops, the iPhone phone loses the right to call, the same is true for selfies.