Windows 10. ATTENTION! PCs BLOCKED by a new Update

Windows 10. The Microsoft company has officially confirmed that the new updates for the operating system block users' computers.

Windows 10 restore

Windows 10. Unfortunately, Microsoft's operating system is going through new problems this week, after it was officially recognized that the new updates have extremely big problems. The latest updates bring this problem to those who use Windows 10 at the moment, and everything has to do with the System Restore system that Microsoft offers for computers that have performance problems and they must be solved in the end.

Windows 10. It seems that all those who have installed updates in the last weeks for the operating system, and want to restore to a previous version using the System Restore system, will have big problems. The Windows 10 operating system will refuse to start, leaving users unable to use their computers as they are used to, which of course no one wants to ever experience with any PC.

Windows 10. ATTENTION! PCs BLOCKED by a new Update

Windows 10. This very serious problem was officially recognized by the Microsoft company in a support document on its website, confirming that only PCs with active System Restore are affected. Those from Microsoft also offer a solution to solve this problem, but it involves entering the Windows Recovery Environment, the process itself being complex, so not everyone will be able to go through it without problems if needed.

During the system restore process, Windows temporarily stages the restoration of files that are in use. It then saves the information in the registry. When the computer restarts, it completes the staged operation. In this situation, Windows restores the catalog files and stages the driver .sys files to be restored when the computer restarts. However, when the computer restarts, Windows loads the existing drivers before it restores the later versions of the drivers. Because the driver versions do not match the versions of the restored catalog files, the restart process stops.

Windows 10. Unfortunately, the biggest problem is that everyone with active System Restore is affected by this problem, without discrimination, and Microsoft has hidden everything until now. System Restore was specially created to more easily solve problems of this kind in Windows 10 and previous versions of the operating system, but unfortunately there are problems even for the software meant to solve the problems.

Windows 10. Having said that, at the moment you will not be able to use the System Restore system to solve your problems, because it seems to be completely broken.


  1. It's a complete joke, these guys from Microsoft. How is it possible to bring errors with every update? Yes, I had problems with 2 updates in the last 30 days. It's not even possible

  2. After installing Update May 2019, the computer worked, DAAAAR, immediately some new updates came in May 2019 that completely blocked the computer and really nothing could be done except reinstalling the old Windows 10.