GODMOTHER. AMAZING premiere with an ASTEROID that SHOCKED the Researchers

GODMOTHER. An astonishing first was discovered by researchers in connection with an asteroid that shocked the scientific community, here is what was revealed.

GODMOTHER. AMAZING premiere with an ASTEROID that SHOCKED the Researchers

NASA. An astonishing premiere with an asteroid shocked even the researchers who discovered this incredible demonstration of the fact that we still don't know that much about these cosmic bodies. Specifically, according to researchers who used NASA telescopes to track an asteroid called 6478 Gault, it was caught as it changed color, something no one thought was possible until now.

NASA. This asteroid is located between the planets Mars and Jupiter, it also has a belt made up of other smaller cosmic rocks, its activity being normally associated with that of comets. Even so, the researchers who used the NASA equipment to discover this asteroid noticed in real time how it changed its color, and for this they have a rather interesting explanation, which is not yet confirmed by other researchers.

GODMOTHER. AMAZING premiere with an ASTEROID that SHOCKED the Researchers

NASA. The researchers claim that the particle emissions left by the "tail" of this asteroid as it travels through the universe changed its color due to the particles coming off it on the go. The asteroid was discovered 31 years ago, and has a diameter of about 4 kilometers, but until now NASA, or other researchers, have not seen any such change in its color, despite the fact that it is moving quite fast.

"This was a very big surprise. We think we've witnessed the asteroid shedding its reddish dust into space, and we see the underlying, fresh layers of blue. This is the first time we know of seeing a rocky body that emits dust, kind of like a comet. If there may be some mechanism responsible for the dust emission it is different from comets and different from most other active main belt asteroids."

NASA. Unfortunately, many details about this color change observed in the premiere, and in real time, do not exist, and this is because there are no other recordings to be able to make comparisons between them. On the other hand, NASA has a very interesting premiere that shows us how complex the universe is, but also how many secrets still exist in its entire extent, and how much we still have to discover.

NASA. This asteroid will never come close to the earth, and will stay close to the planets Mars and Jupiter, without hitting them as well, which makes another very possible color change.