Cars in the US could have Emoji on their License Plates

car emoji registration plates

Cars in the US could have emojis on their license plates, or at least that's what a law that entered into public debate in the American state of Vermont, and which will have to be voted on to be implemented, provides.

6 emoji characters are mentioned in the bill to be voted on by the Vermont state legislature, and only one of them will be able to be applied to car license plates.

If the law were to be adopted, then Vermont would be the first US state to allow the use of Emoji characters on car license plates, but in Queensland, Australia, this is already possible.

"State Rep. Rebecca White (D-Windsor) introduced the bill, which would allow drivers to add one of the six emojis available on their license plate when registering a vehicle in Vermont. The symbols would be added in addition to the license plate number and would not replace the letters or numbers assigned by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles nor those selected by the vehicle owner."

In Australia, applying an emoji character on a car's license plate costs 336 dollars, so everything could be quite expensive in the US, but those who want to stand out will definitely pay the money without comment.