The Milky Way: The Announcement of Researchers that STUNNED All Mankind

The Milky Way has a very important announcement made by researchers, this is how they stunned the whole world with the discoveries they made.

milky way groups

Milky way it is a very large galaxy, as you probably already knew, and inside it are hidden many, many stars, millions according to researchers' calculations, but also many flat ones. Researchers at a university in Chian set out to analyze groups of stars in the Milky Way that have so far been ignored by other researchers, and this can bring us some impressive discoveries about what is hidden in the universe.

Milky way Chinese researchers have analyzed certain groups of stars in which the cosmic bodies do not have a very tight gravitational connection, no less than 1000 groups of this kind have been discovered in the galaxy. The star groups in the Milky Way that are analyzed by the Chinese researchers are named Czernik 14, Haffner 14, Haffner 17 and King 10, and the data they analyze are taken from the ESA's Gaia spacecraft.

The Milky Way: The Announcement of Researchers that STUNKS Humanity

milky way star groups
The star clusters Czernik 14, Haffner 14, Haffner 17 and King 10.

Milky way has these groups of stars analyzed by researchers to see how many stars are actually part of each group, the distances between them, how they move there, and not only that. Until now, Chinese researchers have determined that the Czernik 14 group in the Milky Way is at a distance of 9450 light-years from Earth and is 570 million years old, plus a diameter of about 9.45 light-years, a mass of 348 times greater than that of the sun.

Milky way hides in the Haffner group 14 stars that are up to 320 million years old, they are at a distance of 15.650 light-years from Earth, with a diameter of 14.7 light-years, 353 stars being there. The Milky Way has a number of 17 stars in the Haffner 350 group, it has a size of 21.2 light-years, the distance from Earth is 11.700 light-years, with an age of 90 million years, this being the largest group of all.

Milky way in the end, it has a number of 10 stars in the King 395 group, with a size of 20.5 light-years, and an age of 45 million years, the distance from Earth being 12.400 light-years, and the research for other groups continues .