Government of Romania: Announcement regarding the establishment of the state of emergency

The Government of Romania informs the state of emergency

The Romanian government has made an extremely important clarification for all those who are worried about the establishment of the state of emergency, and it is one that all Romanians should know because there is an extremely large amount of information that scares many people.

It is true that after the establishment of the state of emergency in Romania, the Romanian Government can take a lot of measures that normally it could not take without analyses, approvals, court orders, etc., but not everything that is presented on television will be necessarily imposed.

The Romanian government says that it will only take the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus in Romania, so don't be scared when you see on TV among the measures presented those for rationalizing food, restricting freedom of movement, etc., because there is no need for such a thing yet .

"Considering the statement in the public space/online environment of the possible measures that can be taken within the state of emergency, without mentioning the fact that NOT all of these measures are taken obligatorily, we mention the fact that ONLY those will be considered necessary measures to combat the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). We call for responsibility also in this case in the way of presenting the legal framework and the measures that may be related to the reason why the decision regarding the state of emergency was announced."