eMAG, FashionDays: Selling another 10 Million Masks at a Lower Price

eMAG FashionDays Masks Small Price

eMAG, FashionDays announced today that they have put up for sale another batch of 10 million protective surgical masks in this page si this page, but unlike the previous lot, now we are talking about a slightly lower selling price.

FashionDays had specified on its page for protective masks that it is possible that the sales prices will change because new batches are brought on Monday and Thursday, while eMAG did not provide details, and now we see the first effect of the purchases, a price reduction of 20 LEI.

eMAG and FashionDays claim that they continue to sell protective masks without any commercial addition, but if the price seems high to you, blame the Chinese from whom the Coronavirus came, and who now sell protective equipment at much higher prices.