BCR Romania: BIG SURPRISES of the Weekend for ALL Romanians

BCR Romania announced a series of very big surprises for all Romanians this weekend, here is what the country's big bank is offering us these days.

BCR Romania large

BCR Romania he knows that Romanians need a little more than simple recommendations to stay at home, etc., so he has prepared some very interesting surprises for all Romanians this weekend. More precisely, the people from BCR Romania had during yesterday a live stream directly from the sea for those who wanted to go this weekend to feel the sea breeze on a very warm day, but because during the Corona virus pandemic, they stayed at home.

BCR Romania he broadcast live images from the sea for several hours, and anyone interested in remembering how beautiful the sea is, can see them below, in the recording left on Facebook. Even if you can't see these images live, you can see them in the recording published by the people from BCR Romania, it being available to everyone, and considering that today is as hot a day as yesterday, you don't have lost nothing

George is like you. He also misses going out with his friends, so from May 1 he brings you the sea from Vama Veche live ❤ Tag in the comments the friends you miss seeing at the seaside when #totulvafibine. George has a prize for the best memories: a Polaroid One Step 2 instant camera! Until then you have everything 100% online with George. The first smart home banking. #staycontactless

Published by BCR on Friday, May 1, 2020

BCR Romania: BIG SURPRISES of the Weekend for ALL Romanians

BCR Romania it doesn't have only that, and that's because this should have been an extended weekend for Romanians, so it offers those who want fun and the opportunity to listen to the music they want. You can see below what the people from BCR Romania recommend to all Romanians who want to hear good music these days, and that's because there are a lot of people who can't enjoy the unhindered outings in the open air that they were used to during this period.

Ready to rave? Get ready for 3 days of live music on stage in Expirat, at IN / OUT festival. Enter https://bit.ly/3bSEJC4 and let the fun begin from your favorite place at home!

Published by BCR pe Friday, May 1, 2020

BCR Romania says that there will be live representatives throughout this weekend, so unlike the recording from the sea, you will be able to watch them live in the following days. You will of course have to get the program from those who organize everything to see when the live music sessions will take place, those from most likely supporting the whole initiative to help Romanians get through these days more easily.

BCR Romania it is only one of the Romanian companies that supports such events during this period, so you will find much more than that on Facebook.