GTA 6: The Big Changes That Led to the Postponement of the New Game

GTA 6 feedback

GTA 6 it has very big changes, even during the development process, because of Read Dead Redemption 2, which from Rockstar Games being very determined to offer all players exactly what they want for the new title when it is released.

GTA 6 it was 60% - 70% complete when Rockstar decided to listen to the complaints of those playing Read Dead Redemption 2, and made many changes for the upcoming title, all with the idea of ​​providing the best possible experience .

GTA 6 has the game story expanded even more after analyzing the complaints related to Read Dead Redemption 2, and Rockstar is also preparing the support to offer DLCs to expand it even more, all this preparation taking a very long time.

GTA 6 it has big changes made including for the way the missions are carried out, and the company would have decided to postpone the launch in order to be able to prepare everything as it should be in order to launch the game in a version that will be really appreciated by the players.

"Grand Theft Auto VI was about 60/70%, but because Rockstar considered Feedback for Red Dead Redemption II, some portions of the game are re-made, the story is further expanded, and they "clean up the edges" and time additionally is used for configuration, continuous DLC support. The mission design in particular is being revised to offer a more open approach, Rockstar really took the feedback to RDRII to heart. They also didn't have to delay it, but chose to take their time because GTA Online's steady income allows them to."

GTA 6 until now, no information has been revealed about what he would bring, at least not officially, and it is because a lot of rumors have appeared so far, and they revealed many of the prepared surprises.