Huawei phones: How to change RADICALLY in the Era of Trump

Huawei phones are changing radically in the era of Donald Trump, the sanctions imposed by the USA bringing us models that we would not have expected.

Huawei phones trump

Huawei phones unfortunately, they are going through a radical change in the "era" of Donald Trump, and this is because we are talking about big problems that the Chinese cannot solve so easily, unfortunately. Huawei phones are no longer as attractive as they once were due to the lack of Google applications and services, and whatever technological innovations Huawei would introduce into them, if you don't have Instagram and Facebook to post the pictures taken with your new great camera, the phone is kind of useless.

Huawei phones they are going in the opposite direction now, as I told you last week, that is, the old models are relaunched with small changes to be able to offer Google applications and services. A Huawei P30 Pro New Edition is nowhere near as attractive as the Huawei P40 Pro, but because of Donald Trump, many people cannot fully enjoy the latest innovations that Huawei phones bring, and that's not it's too good

Huawei phones: How to change RADICALLY in the Era of Trump

Huawei phones launched in the last year are from many points of view superior to those from Apple or Google, especially on the photography side, but nevertheless many recommend avoiding them. Even if Donald Trump will make a sign in front of the Chinese specifically to help American companies that need the opportunity to talk with Huawei about 5G standards, for phones it is not known if things will change too soon, or ever.

Huawei phones in this case, it could remain useless for many people outside of China, and relaunches such as the Huawei P30 Pro, now in its second year, could continue. We could also see a third version of the Huawei P30 Pro in the fall, without much new because otherwise it can no longer have Google applications and services, and the new models remain uninterested by those outside China, but maybe App Search will change things up a bit.

Huawei phones they will most likely return to normal if Donald Trump leaves the White House, but no one can guarantee this, especially since it is not known which president will follow.