iOS 14: The extremely important function for iPhone and iPad

ios 14 password security

iOS 14 comes with an extremely important new function for iPhone and iPad, one that will help iDevice users to find out much faster if one of the passwords used is too easy to crack, or has been cracked.

iOS 14 will have a special system implemented in iCloud Keychain that will help users discover if their passwords are vulnerable, allowing them to be stored via iCloud servers for increased security anyway.

iOS 14 brings this system after Google Chrome had implemented it for some time by the people from Google, and everything is meant to radically improve the security we benefit from when we use our iDevices daily.

iOS 14 password compromised

“Safari securely monitors saved passwords, automatically taking into account passwords that could be involved in a data breach. To do this, Safari uses strong cryptographic techniques to regularly check the derivations of your passwords against a list of broken passwords in a secure and private way that doesn't reveal your password information – even to Apple. If Safari detects a breach, it can help you upgrade to Sign in with Apple when it's available or automatically generate a new strong password."