BANCA Transilvania: IMPORTANT Decision Unknown to Customers

BANCA Transilvania made a very important decision that many of its clients do not know about, here is what it did, and what you can do too.

BANCA Transilvania watches

BANK Transilvania it is the largest bank in Romania, if we judge it by the number of clients, and it offers a variety of services for people from all over the country, and among them is one that many people don't know anything about. Those from BANCA Transilvania offer Romanian customers the opportunity to make mobile payments, with phones or smart watches, but separately from that there is also a mixed option, for those who want a little elegance.

BANK Transilvania it also offers customers an option to have an elegant watch with which to make mobile payments wherever they need, and we are talking about three models sold by the Swiss company Mondaine. BANCA Transilvania has three different models of Mondaine watches that are able to make contactless payments for customers in Romania, they are listed on the bank's website, with prices starting from 1000 LEI and reaching 1600.

BANCA Transilvania: IMPORTANT Decision Unknown to Customers

BANK Transilvania sells classic watches, which have integrated NFC technology, most likely, allows their use for mobile payments, just as we would use a phone or a smartwatch. Apart from that, the watches look like any classics put up for sale by Mondaine, or other watch manufacturers, so BANCA Transilvania also offers its customers a more elegant option to make mobile payments when they need it.

BANK Transilvania it links the client's card to the chip in that watch, everything having to be manually configured and customized for the client, so we are not talking about something that can be bought anywhere, like a regular smartwatch. The watch most likely works with the BT Pay system of BANCA Transilvania, so there is no need to register it somewhere, payments must be made instantly after it is activated by the bank for the customer.

BANK Transilvania is, as far as I know, the only one that offers such a payment option for its clients in Romania, and we are talking about a very interesting decision that can come with great benefits for those who are tired of using cards.