Raed Arafat: Romania is buying millions of rapid tests for the Coronavirus

raed arafat millions rapid tests coronavirus

Raed Arafat made a very important announcement regarding the Corona virus pandemic in Romania, the head of the DSU saying that the authorities will buy no less than 3 million rapid tests that will be used for the widest possible testing of the population when it comes to hospitals with symptoms of infection.

Raed Arafat says that the mass testing of the population, which Slovakia did, is something that must be carefully analyzed, and this is because there the measure seems to have given results, and it is not excluded that even in Romania we will see that it could be about a similar situation, if it were applied.

"It's a model to analyze (Slovakia, nn), it's a model - maybe - to learn from it, I don't know its applicability to us in terms of population, as differences between us and them, but it's certainly a model that our colleagues epidemiologists need to analyze it and give their opinion. Naturally such a thing must be taken and all their data must be taken, analyzed and I am convinced that they can give it to us.

I hope that in a short time we will know where they will be taken from, there are several suppliers that will be discussed with, Maybe they will be taken from several suppliers if there is not the necessary quantity from only one."