Fortnite: What's COPIED From Among US for ALL Players

Fortnite Epic Games has finally made the decision to take the big step, and to copy the main functionality of Among Us for players from all over the world, this happening in the end for everyone, and that's not it's totally bad news.

Fortnite has copied by Epic Games from Among Us the game idea that involves imposters, so that everyone who plays both titles will have something familiar no matter which of the games they open to distance themselves from the real world at the moment.

Fortnite has implemented a new limited game mode called The Spy Within, and within it two of the players of a team are spies, the equivalent of the impostors in AMong Us, they aim to secretly kill the other members of a team while fulfill the objectives.

Fortnite it allows players who don't play Among Us to try the game idea so popular within that title, and those who already play it, to try a slightly different idea, but in a limited game mode, available for a limited time time, for Christmas.

Fortnite is the most popular online game of the moment, but Among Us is becoming more and more popular, so it was expected to see an implementation of this kind, but it will be even more interesting to see how many people will test the new game mode, and if it will be offered after 2020, and in what form.