Romanian Government: Tens of thousands of people participated in the COVID-19 Vaccine Tests

Romanian government covid-19 vaccine testing

The Romanian government published today new information regarding the vaccines against COVID-19 that have been approved both in Romania and in other countries around the world, and which will be administered on a large scale to hundreds of millions of people, willing, in the following months.

The Romanian government says that the BioNTech & Pfizer and Moderna Biotech vaccines were tested on 74.000 people before it was concluded that they were safe for use, and the approvals given for them were based on the data gathered from the studies.

The Romanian government wants to help Romanians to be as well informed as possible about the vaccines against COVID-19 that should bring us back to normality, but it remains to be seen how many people will want to get vaccinated, because that depends on the return to normality.