The Government of Romania: explanations regarding the authenticity of the doses of the vaccine against the Coronavirus

The Government of Romania authenticity of the Coronavirus vaccine

Today, the Romanian government offers explanations regarding the authenticity of the vaccine against the Coronavirus that is used to immunize Romanians, and you can see below exactly what the authorities have to say in the face of misinformation distributed on social networks, and not only that.

The Romanian government is trying to reassure the Romanians who want to get vaccinated, and this is because at the moment this seems to be the only solution to return to normality all over the world, as quickly as possible.

"Clarifications regarding the statements that question the authenticity of the vaccine doses received by Romania.

The special storage and transport conditions of the vaccine were ensured by the special transport devices. They consist of thermally insulated boxes containing dry ice and a temperature monitoring sensor, which ensures that the vaccine has been maintained at temperatures between -90°C and -60°C.

The transport of vaccine doses in these devices does not require a special refrigerated vehicle to maintain low temperatures. Thus, temperatures between -90°C and -60°C are provided by the special transport device, not by the vehicle/aircraft."