BANCA Transilvania: HUGE SURPRISE, what it offers FREE Today

BANCA Transilvania announced today a huge surprise that it offers free of charge to customers from all over Romania, here's how you can take advantage now.

BANCA Transilvania jbl

BANK Transilvania air a huge surprise for all his customers in Romaina today, one that is offered exclusively until the end of this day, and that all his customers should know about right now. More precisely, those from BANCA Transilvania decided to organize a new BT Pay Day, i.e. a day when customers who make transactions through the application have the chance to win a free prize, of course by drawing lots, not automatically .

BANK Transilvania offers customers from all over Romania the opportunity to win a JBL speaker if they decide to make a transaction today through the BT Pay app, but it is not mentioned what kind of speaker it is. However, the people from BANCA Transilvania say that they are offering a wireless JBL speaker for customers in Romania who make transactions through BT Pay during this day, so you will have an interesting product to enjoy.

BANCA Transilvania: HUGE SURPRISE, what it offers FREE Today

BANK Transilvania surprised a lot of people with the decision to offer a wireless JBL speaker for customers during BT Pay Day, and this is because the previous ones had much smaller prizes offered for all customers. The people from BANCA Transilvania have in the past offered substantial prizes in this type of contests, but the last ones were a bit "poorer" from this point of view, which is still not such a big surprise for many.

BANK Transilvania automatically enrolls any person who makes payments by phone today anywhere in Romania, and considering how simple everything can be done, there is no reason not to participate. In just a few seconds you can register a mobile payment with BT Pay, and then all you have to do is wait and see if you were lucky enough to win the prize that the bank has decided to offer at the moment.

BANK Transilvania the contest will end at 23:59, and it is not known when it will organize another contest of this kind, or what kind of prizes it will offer, so participate in it while you still have the opportunity.