Ministry of Health: vaccination against the Coronavirus is allowed for pregnant women

Ministry of Health, the vaccination of pregnant women with the Coronavirus

The Ministry of Health says that vaccination against the Coronavirus is also allowed for pregnant women, or those who are breastfeeding, the authorities considering that there are no problems in any of these situations, and below you have all the necessary explanations.

"The immunization against COVID-19 is allowed in the case of pregnant women, who are breastfeeding or who plan to become pregnant. Before making this decision, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Due to the mechanism of action of vaccines using messenger RNA, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers the vaccination unlikely to pose a specific risk to pregnant women.

The companies that developed the two vaccines did not do specific studies to observe the effects of vaccination in pregnant and lactating women. In these two cases, it is recommended that before making a decision, you talk to the specialist doctor. It can help you assess a risk-benefit balance, individualized for each individual patient.

For women of childbearing age planning to become pregnant, the medical scientific community does not expect vaccines based on mRNA technology to lead to infertility.

The decision to vaccinate is entirely yours. We recommend that you seek the advice of your family doctor or general practitioner before making this decision."