Facebook: Orders from the CEO to go to WAR with Apple

Facebook pain

Facebook is at war with Apple at the moment, the two companies being at "knives" because of some very important changes that were made by the company from Cupertino for the way user privacy is protected through applications.

Facebook is now at war with Apple, but it all started two years ago, when CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced to his employees that he had to go to war with Apple, and this was an extremely serious decision, which has major global impact only now.

Facebook is fighting in vain with Apple because of decisions to protect the privacy of users, so everything that Mark Zuckerberg wanted has little chance of being fulfilled, that is, it is unlikely that Apple will seriously feel any kind of problems that Facebook tries to give them. generate.

"Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has admitted for years that Apple and its leader, Tim Cook, have influenced the social media giant's business too much. In 2018, his anger flared. In private, Mr. Zuckerberg was even harsher. "We have to cause pain," he told his team, for treating the company so poorly, according to people familiar with the discussion. It wasn't the first time — or the last — that Mr. Cook's comments and actions would leave Mr. Zuckerberg on edge and, at times, plotting to attack Apple."