Romanian Government: WARNING for MILLIONS of Romanians

Romanian government real time phishing warning

The Romanian government is announcing today an extremely important warning for millions of Romanians all over the country, and we are talking about a new extremely serious problem, real-time phishing attacks targeting Romanian bank customers.

The Romanian government presents below, through CERT-RO, what this type of attack means, and how it differs from an ordinary phishing attack, so that you can see more clearly what is happening and how you can protect yourself against these problems.

"the CERT-RO chip drew attention in November 2020 to a series of #RealTimePhishing attacks that targeted clients of some banks in Romania. What differentiates this type of attack from a classic #phishing one?
In the case of phishing, the aim of the attackers is to extract personal and financial data to be used later in order to illegally take money from your account or sell it on. In a real-time phishing attack, the fraudulent website is connected in REAL TIME with the targeted bank's online banking platform.
Basically, once the user enters their internet banking credentials, the phishing page asks the user to wait for processing, with a message like "You are waiting for the bank to approve your request. Please do not close the window."
ℹ️ Below you can watch how such a fraudulent scheme works and how such trap sites can be detected."